The project’s success extends beyond the installation of new water infrastructure. It has modernized our operations, doubled our water delivery efficiency, and empowered our staff.”
“With the new infrastructure and training, we’re now prepared to provide clean water to every household in the region.

For forty-four years we struggled with water scarcity. This project is the first of its kind in our area, and it's giving us hope for a better future.”
“This isn’t just about water; it’s about restoring faith in the future. For the first time in decades, our villages can look forward to a necessity that most people take for granted: clean, reliable water.
Project: T04.272 – “WASH assistance to support water governance and public water and wastewater services in Lebanon for host and refugee communities”
Implementing Partner: ACTED
Sector: Water sector
Short description
Nazir Merihbi, head of the Qobayat Water Establishment, and Mayor Joseph Mansour of Tleil, emphasize the transformative impact of a European Union-funded water project that has brought clean, reliable water to the long-deprived villages of Tleil, Haytla, and Saidnaya in Northern Lebanon. Through extensive infrastructure improvements and staff training at the Qobayat Water Establishment, the project has doubled water delivery efficiency and restored hope to communities that have struggled with water scarcity for over four decades.
A lifeline to remote villages
In the remote villages of Akkar, in Northern Lebanon, water scarcity has long been a daily struggle. For communities in Tleil, Haytla, and Saidnaya, the absence of a reliable water supply has been a persistent challenge for decades. However, this harsh reality is finally easing, thanks to the proactive response of the Qobayat Water Establishment and financial support of the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis.
Revitalizing water operations
Nazir Merihbi, head of the Qobayat Water Establishment, proudly highlights the project's significant impact. “This initiative goes beyond simply laying pipes; it has revitalised our entire operations. We’ve undertaken extensive rehabilitation at the Qobayat branch office, installed solar energy systems, and upgraded our labs. The new equipment and comprehensive staff training have greatly enhanced our technical capacity,” he explained. These improvements lay the foundation for effectively managing the newly established water network, ensuring sustainability for years to come.
“These upgrades have doubled our efficiency in water delivery,” Mr. Nazir noted. The project also tackled chronic issues like leaks in the network, leading to significantly improving water distribution. “The expertise of an engineer seconded by the project was instrumental. He helped us address system breakdowns, manage leaks, and train our local staff, which has made a tangible difference in our service to the community.”
Transforming lives in Tleil
The project has had a remarkable impact in the village of Tleil, that has been without a proper water network since 1977. Mayor Joseph Mansour expressed the community’s profound relief and renewed hope. “For forty-four years, our village has struggled with water scarcity. Most residents had to rely on costly water deliveries or private wells, which are drying up. This project is unprecedented in our region, giving us a perspective we never thought possible,” Mansour said. With the construction of a new water tank and a comprehensive overhaul of the distribution network, clean water will soon flow to every household in Tleil and neighbouring villages.
Building a sustainable future
This comprehensive project not only addressed immediate water needs but also introduced modern infrastructure to secure long-term sustainability. New wells were drilled, a comprehensive water distribution network installed, and a solar-powered pumping station was set up to counter frequent electricity shortages.
Water: a symbol of hope and renewal
Beyond the technical achievements, the project has brought a renewed sense of optimism to the communities it serves. “This project is about more than just water,” Mr. Mansour emphasised. “It’s about restoring faith in our future. For the first time in decades, our villages can look forward to something so basic yet so essential: clean, reliable water,” he added.
Water, once a source of anxiety and hardship, is now a symbol of hope, stability, and community renewal. The project’s success is not just measured in pipes laid or water pumped, but in the lives that have been transformed by this essential resource.