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Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf

Funding recipients

Recipients of EU funds are grant beneficiaries, contractors, remunerated external experts, or persons or entities receiving prizes or funds from the EU budget; in the case of budget support the 'recipient of EU funds' is the beneficiary country's Treasury.

The European Commission is committed to guarantee full transparency regarding how we fund our beneficiaries. See Arts. 37 and 38 of the Financial Regulation.

Where can I find information on the recipients of EU funds?

Funds channelled directly by the European Commission or a Commission executive agency (‘direct management’): please consult the European Commission’s Financial Transparency System (FTS).

Funds channelled through third partner countries (‘indirect management’):

  • European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) / European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument (ENPI): please consult:
  • Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA): please consult the websites of the national IPA coordinators.

Indirect management with Member State organisations or third country donor organisations, EU decentralised agencies and public-private partnership bodies, international organisations and financial institutions: the publication is carried out by the entity managing the funds according to the provisions of the contribution agreement.

Funds channelled through EU Member States (‘shared management’): for our projects please consult Cross Border Cooperation page.

Twinning contracts (under direct or indirect management) are listed on a yearly basis on our Twinning page.

Please note that in line with the Financial Regulation certain contracts are not published where it is deemed that this could harm the security of the contractors/grantees or their business interest. Moreover, for very low value contracts publication is not required.