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Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf
European Neighbourhood Policy
EU support to partner countries

on migration and forced displacement

Migration and forced displacement are global phenomena. To better manage migration and mobility along the various migratory routes, address the challenges, and harness the opportunities stemming from international migration, as well as to promote safe and legal alternatives to irregular migration, the EU works jointly with third countries and international partners at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels. This engagement is especially important in the neighbourhood of the EU and in the other areas covered by the Directorate General for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf.

Following a comprehensive approach to migration and asylum, as per the guidelines of the European Council, the external dimension of EU migration policies focuses on several key areas. These include the protection of vulnerable migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, legal migration and labour mobility, addressing the root causes of irregular migration, combating smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings, strengthening border management capacities of partner countries, in addition to the returns of irregularly staying migrants from the EU to their countries of origin, as well as the support to voluntary returns and sustainable reintegration of returnees in their countries of origin.

The EU adopts a whole-of-route approach in its cooperation with countries of origin and transit along the main migratory routes. This cooperation, carried out in synergy with dedicated EU Agencies like the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex, the EU Asylum Agency (EUAA) and Europol, helps partner countries manage migratory flows more effectively.  

Migration policies should not be dealt with in isolation. The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum foresees embedding migration within comprehensive, balanced, tailor-made and mutually beneficial partnerships with countries of origin and transit, which can deliver mutual benefits in areas like the economy, development, education and skills, stability and security and people-to-people contacts. 

Following this approach, over the course of the years, the EU has been strengthening its partnership with key countries of origin and transit along the different migratory routes, in full coordination with EU Member States as Team Europe, notably through the adoption of several regional EU action Plans.

Southern Neighbourhood

North Africa 

“Migration and mobility” is one of the key EU policy priorities in the Southern Neighbourhood, as stated in the New Agenda for the Mediterranean (2021).

Support to migration management in the North of Africa region has been channeled through two main financing instruments:

Key Documents

Migration support