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Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf
  • News article
  • 25 October 2024
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • 4 min read

Statement by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers Krišto

Dear Borjana,

Thank you so much for having me and hosting me again in Sarajevo. And thank you very much for accompanying me yesterday to the region that has been hit so hard by the devastating floods. I, first of all, want to extend my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims. It was heartbreaking yesterday to see the destruction and devastation caused by the floods in Jablanica. So I really want to reassure the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and specifically of that region, that Europe stands with them. We are by your side, and we will continue to support you. Thank you for mentioning the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. As a candidate country, you are included in those who can work with the Civil Protection Mechanism, and indeed many Member States immediately came to support. I think this is also a strong sign of how well-respected Bosnia and Herzegovina is in the region and how many friends are around you, as neighbours and partners, to support you. You mentioned the Solidarity Fund. Indeed, this is the Fund for natural disasters that Member States but also candidate countries can use for reconstruction, and it is very good that you will apply for that. But we thought: At the moment, right now, you need immediate help. And therefore, we decided to mobilise EUR 20 million for the immediate help. And then in the second step, the Solidarity Fund will support you in reconstruction and recovery.

Dear Borjana, I also want to thank you for the enormous commitment from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the accession path towards the European Union. Bosnia and Herzegovina has come a long way. But with hard work, with a lot of dedication and determination, you now have achieved candidate status. It really makes a difference. The Member States have decided now to open accession negotiations in March. I think this was a historic moment when we witnessed that. But it is first and foremost a result of the hard work and the efforts of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who were very clear about the future they want to see. Of course, a lot of work is still to be done in the accession negotiations. I know that you are working very hard on crucial laws related to the European fundamentals – that is democracy and the rule of law. I have full confidence in Bosnia and Herzegovina to advance on its path to the European Union. Your country has proven this time and again in the past that it can move forward. You have shown that you can deliver when the country speaks, acts and moves forward as one. I am confident that we will see this more often.

Dear Borjana, I want to assure you and the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina that also in my second mandate, enlargement will be at the top of my agenda. There is a window of opportunity now. We really should move together. We have all the instruments and necessary tools in place to make this a reality. And therefore, I am determined to really take this momentum to move forward together with Bosnia and Herzegovina. I want to mention two initiatives. The first is the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. It is our roadmap to already integrate parts of your economy into the Single Market. We open the door of the Single Market for specific sectors, so that companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina can access the Single Market. For that, we need reforms so that we have a level playing field. And with the reforms comes additional EU funding to Bosnia and Herzegovina. I know that you are fully committed to this, and we could just also listen to your words. I just want to say that we stand ready to help you finalise the Growth Plan. I think that Bosnia and Herzegovina deserves this opportunity, and I know that I have a strong partner to work with so that we make it happen together.

The second initiative I want to mention is our Investment Plan for the Western Balkans. It is now four years old and it is delivering steadily. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Plan has already mobilised EUR 3 billion of investment, mostly in clean energy. You know that the European Union has set the goal to be climate neutral by 2050. So we have to work together with our candidate countries so that you join us on this journey and that we have the same movement towards climate neutrality. Here, if I look at Bosnia and Herzegovina, more than 30% of your power already comes from hydro and wind. And now, we are investing in projects to boost your renewable energy capacity. For example, the wind farms on Vlašić mountain and in West Herzegovina Canton. Together, they have the capacity to provide energy to nearly 100,000 homes.  Of course, we are also investing in clean transport for better connectivity. This is so important for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here, for example, the Railway Corridor Vc, which connects your country to Central Europe is crucial. I saw yesterday that parts of the Corridor Vc are affected by the floods. So let us work on this Corridor as it is a really important link of connectivity for the good of the prosperity of the economy. So, we have a lot of great projects to work on in the pipeline.

Dear Borjana, we share the same vision for the future. A future where Bosnia and Herzegovina is a full-fledged member of the European Union. I would say: Let us continue working on that. We have gone a long way already. We still have a way ahead of us, but I am confident that you will make it.

Thank you.


Publication date
25 October 2024
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations