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Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf
What is TAIEX?

What is TAIEX?

TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission. TAIEX supports public administrations with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation as well as facilitating the sharing of EU best practices. It is largely needs-driven and delivers appropriate tailor-made expertise to address issues at short notice in three ways:

  • Workshops: EU Member State experts present specific areas of EU legislation in workshops to a large number of beneficiary officials.
  • Expert missions: EU Member States expert(s) are sent to the beneficiary administration to provide in-depth advice on the transposition, implementation or enforcement of a specific part of EU legislation.
  • Study visits: a group of five practitioners from a beneficiary administration take part in a study visit to an EU Member State’s administration.


TAIEX beneficiaries and partners

The TAIEX mandate to provide assistance covers:

  • Türkiye, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo*;
  • Turkish Cypriot community in the northern part of Cyprus;
  • Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine;
  • All countries covered by the Partnership Instrument;
  • EU Member States in the framework of administrative cooperation with DG for Regional and Urban Policy, DG Environment and DG Structural Reform Support;
  • Partner countries and territories covered by Directorate-General for International Partnerships.


Who do we help?

TAIEX assistance is open to:

  • Civil servants, principally in central public administrations;
  • Judiciary and law enforcement authorities;
  • Civil servants working in Parliaments and Legislative Councils;
  • Representatives of social partners, trade unions and employers’ associations.

TAIEX does not provide direct support to civil society, private citizens or to individual companies.


View TAIEX events and materials

Most TAIEX events have publicly available agendas and presentations. Even though all TAIEX events are adapted to the audience, beneficiaries can draw inspiration from similar TAIEX events implemented in the past. This is a good starting point for anyone who is thinking about applying for a TAIEX event.

TAIEX Search


How can TAIEX beneficiaries apply for assistance?

Officials in line Ministries dealing with community legislation, staff from regulatory or supervisory bodies and inspectorates, officials in notified bodies which implement or enforce legislation as well as officials in Parliaments, the Judiciary and Law Enforcement Agencies, can introduce requests for TAIEX assistance.

TAIEX Application Form


Matching experts with needs

Public officials of EU Member States with expertise relevant to TAIEX beneficiaries can register as TAIEX experts or as institutional contact points. TAIEX experts can be invited as speakers to seminars, workshops, expert missions or to host study visits matching their specific profile. Institutional contact points act as a reference point for their own institution on a voluntary and ad hoc basis and can assist in identifying and proposing experts from it. For more information, interested public officials could consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for TAIEX experts

TAIEX relies on a network of contact points at the level of national public institutions implementing or enforcing EU legislation. Contact points help TAIEX identify suitable experts within their respective ministries or agencies, depending on the request.

TAIEX Expert Database


Which policy fields?

TAIEX is used in the following fields:

Key documents