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Previous Calls for tender

DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) is going to grant a contract for on-the-spot monitoring of implementation of selected IPA 2009, 2012, 2013 and Transition Facility projects in Croatia.

The subject of the contract is to monitor 12 IPA projects in Croatia, which have been pre-selected by DG NEAR. The list of the pre-selected projects can be consulted at the link below. The monitoring should consist of desk review, on-the-spot visits and follow-up reporting.

The contractor is expected to provide a team of experts with profiles in line with the assignment. The starting date of the assignment is envisaged in October 2018 and the duration of contract implementation is ten weeks.

The contract will be awarded via negotiated procedure for low value contracts.

The pre-selected IPA 2009, 2012, 2013 and Transition Facility projects should be assessed by the monitoring experts for achievement of objectives/results as well as activities carried out according to agreed methodology and against benchmarks and indicators of project implementation from relevant documentation. Based on findings from the assessment of individual projects and project-specific and horizontal conclusions, recommendations have to be made regarding the implementation of the projects and in order to improve the national monitoring system.

A detailed and timely report should be delivered. The minimum time to be spent by the team of experts on the spot in Croatia is two weeks in total.

The deadline for expression of interest to participate is 25 May 2018. The declarations of interest should be submitted by e-mail to the following e-mail address: NEAR-MONITORING-CROATIAatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (NEAR-MONITORING-CROATIA[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) with a clear reference of the tender procedure 2018/R5/HR/01.

List of projects to be monitored by external experts in Croatia in 2018

DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) is going to grant a contract for on-the-spot monitoring of implementation of selected IPA 2011 and 2012 projects in Croatia.

The subject of the contract is to monitor ten IPA projects in Croatia, which have been pre-selected by DG NEAR. The list of the pre-selected projects can be consulted at the link below. The monitoring should consist of desk review, on-the-spot visits and follow-up reporting.

The contractor is expected to provide a team of experts with profiles in line with the assignment. The starting date of the assignment is envisaged in October 2017 and the duration of contract implementation is ten weeks.

The contract will be awarded via negotiated procedure for low value contracts.

The pre-selected IPA 2011 and 2012 projects should be assessed by the monitoring experts for achievement of objectives/results as well as activities carried out according to agreed methodology and against benchmarks and indicators of project implementation from relevant documentation. Based on findings from the assessment of individual projects and project-specific and horizontal conclusions, recommendations have to be made regarding the implementation of the projects and in order to improve the national monitoring system.

A detailed and timely report should be delivered. The minimum time to be spent by the team of experts on the spot in Croatia is two weeks in total.

The deadline for expression of interest to participate is 17 May 2017. The declarations of interest should be submitted by e-mail to the following e-mail address: NEAR-MONITORING-CROATIAatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (NEAR-MONITORING-CROATIA[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) with a clear reference of the tender procedure 2017/R5/HR/01.

List of projects to be monitored by external experts in Croatia in 2017

DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) is going to grant a contract for on-the-spot monitoring of implementation of selected IPA 2010 and 2011 projects in Croatia.

The subject of the contract is to monitor thirteen IPA projects in Croatia, which have been pre-selected by DG NEAR. The monitoring should consist of desk review, on-the-spot visits and follow-up reporting.

The contractor is expected to provide a team of experts with profiles in line with the assignment. The starting date of the assignment is envisaged in October or November 2016 and the duration of contract implementation is ten weeks.

The contract will be granted via negotiated procedure for low value contracts.

The pre-selected IPA 2010 and 2011 projects should be assessed by the monitoring experts for achievement of objectives/results as well as activities carried out according to agreed methodology and against benchmarks and indicators of project implementation from relevant documentation. Based on findings from the assessment of individual projects and project-specific and horizontal conclusions, recommendations have to be made regarding the implementation of the projects and in order to improve the national monitoring system. A detailed and timely report should be delivered. The minimum time to be spent by the experts on the spot in Croatia is two weeks.

The deadline for expression of interest to participate is 13 May 2016. The declarations of interest should be submitted by e-mail to the following e-mail address: NEAR-D6atec [dot] europa [dot] eu with a clear reference to the tender procedure 2016/D6/HR/01.

DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) is going to grant a contract for on-the-spot monitoring of implementation of selected IPA 2009 and 2010 projects in Croatia.

The subject of the contract is to monitor sixteen projects in Croatia, which have been pre-selected by DG NEAR. The monitoring should consist of desk review, on-the-spot visits and follow-up reporting.

The contractor is expected to provide a team of experts with profiles in line with the assignment. The starting date of the assignment is envisaged in October 2015 and the duration of contract implementation is ten weeks.

The contract will be granted via negotiated procedure for low value contracts.

The pre-selected IPA 2009 and 2010 projects should be assessed by the monitoring experts for achievement of objectives/results as well as activities carried out according to agreed methodology and against benchmarks and indicators of project implementation from relevant documentation. Based on findings from the assessment of individual projects and project-specific and horizontal conclusions, recommendations have to be made regarding the implementation of the projects and in order to improve the national monitoring system. A detailed and timely report should be delivered. The minimum time to be spent by the experts on the spot in Croatia is two weeks.

The deadline for expression of interest to participate is 30 April 2015. The declarations of interest should be submitted by e-mail to the following e-mail address: NEAR-E3atec [dot] europa [dot] eu.

DG Enlargement is going to grant a contract for monitoring the implementation of selected PHARE/Transition Facility projects in Bulgaria and Romania. The contract will be granted according to the negotiated procedure. The deadline for the submission of an offer is 9 September 2011. Detailed information on the above-mentioned tender procedure can be found below.

Deadline for submission of bids: 09/09/2011

Prior Information Notice 2010/S 252-387042

FAQ (update 08/09/2011)

  1. Contract Notice 2011/S 124-204970
  2. Invitation to tender no. ELARG 2011/S-252
  3. Tender Specifications
  4. Annexes to Tender Specifications

DG Enlargement is going to grant a contract for monitoring of the implementation of IPA 2007 and 2008 projects in Croatia.

The subject of the contract is to monitor twelve projects in Croatia, which have been pre-selected by DG Enlargement. The monitoring should consist of desk review, on-the-spot visits and follow-up reporting. The contractor is expected to provide a team of experts with profiles in line with the assignment. The starting date of the assignment is envisaged in October 2014 and it should be finished within ten weeks.

The pre-selected projects should be assessed by the monitoring experts for achievement of objectives/results as well as activities carried out according to agreed methodology and against benchmarks and indicators of project implementation from relevant documentation. Based on findings from the assessment of individual projects, project-specific and horizontal conclusions and recommendations have to be made regarding the implementation of the projects and in order to improve the national monitoring system. A detailed and timely report should be delivered.

The contract will be granted via negotiated procedure for low value contracts.

The deadline for expression of interest to participate is 23 May 2014. The declarations of interest should be submitted by e-mail to the following e-mail address: ELARG-E3atec [dot] europa [dot] eu

Invitation to express interest to participate in a tender procedure 2018/R5/HR/01 – "On-the spot-monitoring visits on implementation of selected IPA 2009, 2012, 2013 and Transition Facility projects in Croatia"
Invitation to express interest to participate in a tender procedure 2017/R5/HR/01 – "On-the spot-monitoring visits on implementation of selected IPA 2011 and 2012 projects in Croatia"Invitation to express interest to participate in the tender procedure 2016/D6/HR/01 "On-the spot-monitoring visits on implementation of selected IPA 2010 and 2011 projects in Croatia"
Invitation to express interest to participate in a tender procedure – "On-the spot-monitoring visits on implementation of selected IPA 2009 and 2010 projects in Croatia"
On-the-spot monitoring of PHARE/Transition Facility projects in Bulgaria and RomaniaFramework contract for information and communication actions in the field of EU enlargement
Invitation to express interest to participate in a tender procedure – "On-the spot-monitoring visits on implementation of IPA 2007 and 2008 projects in Croatia"