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General publications18 November 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 13.11.2024 on the financing of the Annual Action Plan 2024 of the Multi-Country Migration Programme for the Southern NeighbourhoodC(2024) 7998
General publications13 November 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 7.11.2024 on the financing of the Individual Measure to Strengthen Management Systems of Irregular Migration and Fight Against Organised Crime in the Western Balkans for 2024C(2024) 7725
General publications12 November 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 12.11.2024 on the financing of the special measure in favour of Libya for 2024C(2024) 7767
General publications8 November 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsDÉCISION D’EXÉCUTION DE LA COMMISSION du 7.11.2024 relative au financement du plan d’action annuel en faveur de l’Algérie pour 2024C(2024) 7757
General publications8 November 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 28.10.2024 on the financing of the annual action plan in favour of Egypt for 2024C(2024) 7589
General publications31 October 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 15.10.2024 amending Commission Implementing Decision C(2023) 9178 final on the financing of the annual action plan in favour of Palestine for 2023C(2024) 7329
General publications31 October 2024European CommissionDecision amending the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for the Asia and the Pacific region following the 2024 mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programmingPDF
General publications30 October 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations2024 Communication on EU Enlargement Policy2024 Communication on EU Enlargement Policy
General publications30 October 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 28.10.2024 on the financing of the 2024 annual action plan part II in favour of the Regional South NeighbourhoodC(2024) 7591
General publications30 October 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 28.10.2024 on the financing of the multiannual action plan part I in favour of the Regional South Neighbourhood for 2024-2026C(2024) 7593