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General publications1 August 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 1.8.2024 on the financing of the multiannual action plan in favour of Lebanon for 2024 and 2025C(2024) 5661
General publications1 August 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 1.8.2024 on the financing of the special measure on EU support for vulnerable Lebanese and Refugees from Syria and for durable solutions for refugees from Syria 2024-2025C(2024) 5660
General publications17 July 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsLetter of Intent between the Palestinian Authority and the European CommissionPDF
General publications1 July 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsFactsheet: Summary of approved projectsSummary of approved projects
General publications26 June 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsPost-Conference Financial Tracking Report2023 Earthquake
General publications13 May 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 3.5.2024 on the financing of the individual measure to strengthen return management systems in the Western Balkans for 2024C(2024) 3105
General publications3 April 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCommission Implementing Decision on the financing of the multi-country multiannual action plan in support of the Western Balkans Investment Framework in favour of the Western Balkans and provisioning of the Common Provisioning Fund for 2024-2027C(2024) 2133
General publications21 March 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsTAIEX and Twinning Activity Report 2023Moving forward together with EU expertise
General publications18 March 2024Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 12.3.2024 on the financing of the multiannual support measure for communication in favour of IPA III beneficiaries for 2024-2027C(2024) 1749