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Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf
  • News article
  • 16 June 2016
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • 1 min read

A fruitful event brings to an end the series of seminars celebrating 20 years of TAIEX

For the last seminar marking the 20 years of TAIEX, officials from Enlargement and southern Neighbourhood regions gathered on 14 and 15 June in Zagreb. Marketing standards in the fruits and vegetable sector in the EU was the topic of the seminar...


For the last seminar marking the 20 years of TAIEX, officials from Enlargement and southern Neighbourhood regions gathered on 14 and 15 June in Zagreb. Marketing standards in the fruits and vegetable sector in the EU was the topic of the seminar presented by Croatian, Slovakian Belgian and Hungarian experts. The subject was illustrated on the second days during a visit in a company in Dugo Selo which produces, stores, calibrates and packages the fruits for the internal market but also for export.

The participants were very interested to get more information about the EU standards as it is directly linked to an export potential of their national productions to the EU. Import and export regime for fresh fruits and vegetables as well as producers based organisations were other topics discussed. To conclude, the participating countries expressed their needs in this sector and identified where TAIEX assistance could support them.

The Fruits and vegetables sector is one of the sectors covered by the Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets – CMO. The establishment of such a system allows a more competitive and market-oriented sector; fewer crisis-related fluctuations in producers' income; a greater consumption of fruit and vegetables in the EU and an increased use of eco-friendly cultivation and production techniques.


TAIEX is the European Commission’s Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument. Its aim is to provide candidates and potential candidates for EU membership, and the EU’s eastern and southern neighbours, with technical know-how and legislative expertise. TAIEX organises workshops, expert missions or study visits so that experts from the EU Member States’ public administrations can pass on tailor-made expertise to address short-term institutional or capacity-building needs.

Agenda and presentations:


Publication date
16 June 2016
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations