Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn led a high-level mission of International and European Financial Institutions and donors to Amman on 25 June reconfirming international support to Jordan and the need to maintain momentum and implement key socio-economic reforms in order to create inclusive and sustainable growth and jobs. Commissioner Hahn said: "This high level mission confirmed our willingness to jointly support Jordan as a highly-valued and trusted partner and anchor of stability in the region. The country needs to implement its 5-year socio-economic growth and reform matrix to unlock economic growth, create jobs, improve social protection for the most vulnerable and reinforce macro-economic stability. The institutions participating in this mission represent a collective amount of ongoing financial support to Jordan of around €7 billion, a strong signal of our commitment". The Commissioner concluded: "We stand by Jordan and its people and will continue to align our support behind Jordanian priorities to help the country implement necessary reforms to make best use of its economic potential." Commissioner Hahn visited Jordan on 24-25 June. He met with King Abdullah II, as well as with members of the Jordanian government and representatives of the Jordanian private sector, chambers of commerce and civil society in the context of the high-level mission. The Commissioner signed the €20 million EU-funded project "Innovation for Enterprise growth and jobs" to help innovative companies grow and compete in international markets. The Commissioner visited the EU supported Luminus ShamalStart, a leading business accelerator and seed investor in north of Jordan providing young makers, inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs with a comprehensive ecosystem to transform their ideas into projects. Commissioner Hahn also delivered a speech in the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the EU presence in the country. The joint press release on the High Level Mission is available online. A press release on the new Macro-Financial Assistance programme worth €100 million to assist Jordan in covering its financing needs and support the implementation of structural reform agendas is also online. Images of the visit are available on EbS.
- Publication date
- 26 June 2019
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations