Today the European Commission announces the launch of new support measures worth €27.5 million to support the North Africa region in addressing the current migration situation. The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa adopted three new programmes which will focus on the following areas: migration governance, protection of vulnerable migrants and refugees, and enhanced resilience of migrant populations and their host communities. These will notably benefit Egypt and Libya. In addition, this assistance will also target the Northern Africa region as a whole through the financial reinforcement of an already existing regional support programme.
The EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn said:“Long lasting crises in our neighbourhood have resulted in substantial migrant and refugee flows, putting lives at serious risk and having destabilising effects on host populations. Creating stability in the neighbourhood region must therefore be our priority. Our new programmes aim to provide a protective and enabling environment to foster opportunities for vulnerable migrants and displaced persons as well as their host communities”.
Today's package includes:
€11.5 million for actions in Egypt, as a first strategic response to the migration issues the country is facing. The 'Enhancing the Response to Migration Challenges in Egypt' programme aims at building the capacities of the Egyptian administration and institutions dealing with migration issues at national and local level. In parallel, the programme will contribute to increased protection and socio-economic opportunities for communities with a high number of Egyptians prone to migration and /or returnees, as well as for migrants and refugees. The Action for Egypt was adopted, subject to further consultation with the Egyptian authorities on the programme.
€6 million for projects in Libya. The 'Strengthening protection and resilience of displaced populations in Libya' programme, aims mainly at increasing access to protection spaces (especially health care) for stranded migrants and at piloting alternatives to detention, in particular for children. Whenever possible, the programme will be carried out through existing local organisations and public service delivery facilities. It will be implemented by a consortium of NGOs led by the Danish Refugee Council.
€10 million to Regional level support providing additional funding to the Regional Development and Protection Programme in the North of Africa. Among other actions, micro-lending and crowdfunding platforms across North Africa will be expanded and public-private partnerships between public employment agencies (and private job intermediaries, whenever possible) and private sector will be promoted.
The programme will fully embed the new approach put forward by the EU with the adoption of the Communication 'Lives in Dignity: from Aid-dependence to Self-reliance', by looking at ways to help displaced persons and their host communities have better access to quality basic services (health care, education for children) in the countries where they reside, thus helping stabilise host communities and prevent possible secondary movements.
The so-called ‘North of Africa Window’ of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa covers the following five countries: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.
More information on the ‘North of Africa Window’ of the EU Emergency Trust Fund: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/regions/africa/eu-emergency-trust-fund/north-africa_en
- Publication date
- 29 June 2016
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations