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Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf
  • News article
  • 4 November 2016
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • 2 min read

Commission en direct – Europe's Neighbourhood: A tailored approach to stabilisation

The November edition of Commission en direct explores both enlargement policy and neighbourhood policy, looking at how they have evolved to provide a more individual, tailored approach to stabilisation in the region.


The November edition of Commission en direct explores both enlargement policy and neighbourhood policy, looking at how they have evolved to provide a more individual, tailored approach to stabilisation in the region.

Geography is destiny – Reaching out to Europe’s neighbours

What happens in the EU's immediate neighbourhood directly impacts the security and prosperity of the Union's citizens. Promoting political and socioeconomic reform in countries such as Morocco or the former Soviet republics, and banding together to tackle common problems is in the EU's self-interest. Commissioner Johannes Hahn discusses the key priorities for the coming years. Read the full story.

The key to success – Working with partners

The Commission's DG NEAR works on supporting the transformation of countries in the enlargement regions and on stabilisation in European Neighbourhood Policy countries. Director-General Christian Danielsson explains what is being done, especially on the eastern and southern flanks of the European Union. Read the full story.

Revised European Neighbourhood Policy – Responding to common interests

The original European Neighbourhood Policy implemented after the 2004 enlargement needed revision. Prolonged conflicts, post-Arab Spring political violence, transnational terrorism, an assertive Russia and the migration crisis have increased instability in the EU's partner countries. The revised policy is now focused on 4 priorities to address the problems. Read the full story.

The EU's Eastern Neighbourhood – Building resilience through results

In countries cooperating with the EU under the Eastern Partnership framework (like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) the focus is on stabilisation and building resilience through economic development. The EU and its Eastern Neighbourhood are moving forward, seeking tangible benefits for their citizens. Read the full story.

The EU's Southern Neighbourhood – Stabilisation and reforms

Europe's southern neighbours constitute a region that is one of the least integrated in the world, with ongoing conflicts resulting in unprecedented numbers of refugees and migrants. The ENP, revised in 2015, caters better to the stabilisation needs of Europe's southern neighbours, such as Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, West Bank and Gaza. Read the full story.

EU enlargement – Transformative power

EU enlargement serves the EU's interests by making Europe a safer place and promoting democracy and fundamental freedoms, while consolidating the rule of law in the aspiring countries. The current agenda covers the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey, with each one at a different stage in the process. Read the full story.

Delivering on our policies – The financial response

DG NEAR's financial and assistance instruments make it possible to translate policy into results. TAIEX was covered in issue #33 of Commission en direct, while November's issue highlights the mechanisms of the other major instruments. Read the full story.

Please find the full edition of the November Commission en direct edition here.


Publication date
4 November 2016
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations