On 12 and 13 March, during the third Brussels Conference "Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region", the EU will welcome an unprecedented number of representatives of Syrian, regional and international Non-Governmental Organisations and civil society to meet with relevant Ministers/principals and decision-makers from the countries neighbouring Syria, donor countries and UN agencies. No fewer than 800 participants will gather during the Days of Dialogue.
This event highlights the crucial role of civil society organisations, NGOs and partner organisations in delivering assistance to people affected by the conflict, in both Syria and the region. It represents an opportunity for them to discuss key priorities and needs and to formulate concrete recommendations to the governments and stakeholders concerned. Participants will exchange views in order to identify major challenges, share best practices, and to maximise the effectiveness of political and financial support.
The Days of Dialogue will build on the results of earlier consultations and explore the following themes:
1. Economic and civic empowerment of youth
2. Displacements and comprehensive solutions
3. Regional socio-economic recovery
4. Protection
5. Justice and social cohesion
6. Education and child protection
The key takeaways of the Days of Dialogue event will be presented by local NGOs and civil society organisations to Foreign Ministers on 14 March.
On the same occasion, there will be a photo exhibition on the European Parliament Esplanade, displaying portraits of Syrian, Iraqi, Jordanian and Lebanese beneficiaries of EU projects funded by EU Trust Fund in Response to the Syria Crisis, which will run until 18 March.
Providing perspectives to long term stability for Syrians and neighbouring countries
The European Union supports both immediate response to emergency needs and invests in creating perspectives and addressing the medium term needs of the Syrian population, refugees and communities hosting Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. Only a credible political solution in line with UN Security Council Resolution 22541 and the 2012 Geneva Communiqué will ensure a peaceful future and stability for Syria and the region. Until this has been reached, the EU continues its support to the strengthening of the resilience of Syrians and host communities in sectors such as education, health, agriculture, livelihoods and civil society capacity building with the aim of preventing a ‘lost generation’. Increasingly, efforts are geared at strengthening national systems with a view to ensuring that the response of the international community is sustainable, and at helping the countries that host vast numbers of refugees create economic growth and livelihoods for the benefit of their citizens and for refugees.
As a partner of long standing, the European Union is fully committed to assisting the economic and social development of neighbouring countries. Both in bilateral cooperation and in response to the Syrian crisis, EU assistance benefits Lebanese, Jordanians and Turkish people, helping to create job opportunities, infrastructure including schools, as well as better health and water services.
Since 2015, a significant proportion of non-humanitarian aid to address medium and long-term needs of Syrian refugees and to help Syria’s neighbours coping with the refugee crisis has been channelled through the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis.
More information:
- Publication date
- 11 March 2019
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations